Sunday, August 10, 2014

Spiral Polyskelion

Spiral Types:

(1) Archimedean spiral: r(θ) = a*θ

(1 < number of spiral turns < 2)

(2 < number of spiral turns < 3)

(2) Fermat's spiral (Parabolic spiral): r(θ) = a*sqrt(θ)

(1 < number of spiral turns < 2)

(2 < number of spiral turns < 3)

(3) Hyperbolic spiral (Reciprocal spiral): r(θ) = a/θ

(4) Lituus: r(θ) = a/sqrt(θ)

(5) Logarithmic spiral: r(θ) = a*exp(b*θ)

(b = 0.25)

(b = 0.618)

( Mathematical software used: GeoGebra )


  1. hello,
    we are very interested in your work. I try to use the logarithmic spiral polyskelion as a base for a 3D sculpture, already downloaded and installed GeoGebra. My mathematical skills are not yet up to the task to replicate your equations. Could you please share some the information how to get the graph as shown on your page? Thank you and best greetings from Bali/Indonesia! Helmut Suppan
