Blue grid (#) ..... f(2, 0.999, x, y) = 0
Green nought (o) ..... f(0.125, 0.85, x, y) = 0
Green nought (o) ..... f(0.125, 0.85, x, y) = 0
Red cross (x) ..... f(0.125, 0.999, 2(y+x), 2(y-x)) = 0
When the parameter 'a' changes from 0 to 2, the graph
changes shape from a plus sign(+) to a number sign(#).
In order to avoid discontinuities, we redefine f as follows:
f(a,b,x,y) = 1/exp(1/(s + (a² - x²)²)) + 1/exp(1/(s + (a² - y²)²)) - b,
where s(=0.001) is a small positive number.
( Mathematical software used: Graph )